List of Qualifications approved for funding

Qualification Search

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To search for funding approval information about a particular qualification or group of qualifications, please use the search function below. You can search using single or multiple criteria.

We have added a new field called ‘subcategory’ on this website which will show the new types of qualifications introduced through the post-16 reforms and approved for funding from 1 August 2025. To view the funding approval information for any qualification in your search results, click on the Funding details link below the qualification’s header information.

You can find more information about the qualifications we approve for funding and how we approve them on the Further information page. This includes changes made to the funded offers because of the post-16 qualification review at level 3 and below in England.

If you want a full list of qualifications approved for funding, please see the Downloads page.

The information about qualifications was last updated on 20 September 2024.


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Your search matches 1 result.

  • BCS Level 1 Smart Digital Award in E-Safety

    Awarding organisation: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
    Qualification number: 60369310
    Status: Approved
    Qualification type: Vocationally-Related Qualification
    Subcategory: Not Applicable
    Sector subject area: Digital technology (users)
    Level: Level 1

    View qualification 60369310

    Funding details
    Qualifications Offer Funding Approval Start Date Funding Approval End Date Notes
    Age 14-16 11/01/2021 31/07/2026

    Please note that providers must check the availability of the qualification with the awarding organisation.

    For funding and further information, please see FALA and QWS

    For further information about Performance Tables please see GOV.UK website