List of Qualifications approved for funding

Further Information


Qualification funding approval principles

The Department for Education publishes the funding approval principles that apply when we consider qualifications for funding. The guidance also explains how and when we review qualifications for funding approval.

Reformed technical and non-technical qualifications at level 3 and below

From 1 August 2025, we will start funding reformed Technical Qualifications (TQs) and Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs) developed as part of the post-16 qualification review at level 3 and below in England. These qualifications are approved through the integrated funding approval process, involving the Department for Education (DfE), the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) and Ofqual. The qualifications funding approval manual from August 2025 describes how and when we will approve TQs and AAQs for funding.

We will publish the initial list of qualifications approved for funding in the 2025 to 2026 academic year as below:

  • May 2024 for level 3 qualifications
  • July 2024 to level 2 qualifications

This website labels reformed TQs as Technical Occupation Qualifications (TOQs) to align with the Ofqual category naming. The ‘subcategory’ field on this website separates TOQs and AAQs into these types:

  • Small Alternative Academic Qualification
  • Large Alternative Academic Qualification
  • Occupational- entry – 16 to 19 and adult
  • Occupational- entry – adult
  • Additional specialist

'Termly' funding approval cycles

We will soon start developing a new electronic portal for awarding organisations, which will simplify and streamline the processes of submitting qualifications for funding approval. Alongside this we are incorporating reformed Technical Qualifications (TQs) and Alternative Academic Qualification (AAQs) in our systems.

To help us implement these, we will complete the move to ‘termly’ funding approval cycles, instead of monthly cycles. These ‘termly’ cycles will happen three times a year, and will be the only times that we will:

  • consider newly regulated qualifications for funding approval – only for the 14-16 offer and qualification types outside the scope of the qualifications review, which are exempt from the post-16 moratorium

  • consider exemptions to the moratorium, except for qualifications within SSAs that are or will fall out of scope because of the integrated approvals process – we have already announced and implemented this

  • perform the routine funding approval management detailed in the 2023/24 qualification funding approval manual

We will be issuing full details and dates in due course. The next funding approval cycle will take place in June 2024 and the deadline for applications is Monday 20 May 2024, we will take our usual Ofqual download on Tuesday 21 May 2024.

After developing the new portal, we may change how often we run our qualification funding approval cycles, depending on the user insight gathered as part of the development.

Funding rules

We publish the rules that apply to all provision that we fund. You can these rules on the GOV.UK website.

Funding rates and formula

We also explain our funding system and rates for our funded qualification offers.

How we define funding approval

Qualifications outside of the review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below

We look at the content that awarding organisations specify for each qualification, and we decide whether each qualification meets our approval principles for public funding. This can include looking at a qualification’s title, level, size, sector subject area, operational start and end dates, as well as the qualification specification published by the awarding organisation.

We use the term ‘funding approval’ to show where we add a qualification to at least one of our funded offers.

We also review qualifications to see if they meet our principles for funding through advanced learner loans. We do not fund the delivery of qualifications through loans, but we do decide which qualifications a student can study with a loan.

Reformed Technical and non-technical qualifications at level 3 and below

From 1 August 2025, we will start funding reformed Technical Qualifications (TQs) and Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs) developed as part of the post-16 qualification review at level 3 and below in England. These qualifications are approved through the integrated funding approval process, involving the Department for Education (DfE), the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) and Ofqual. The qualifications funding approval manual from August 2025 describes how and when we will approve TQs and AAQs for funding.

Funding approval moratorium

In the first stage consultation document on the review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below, we said that we would stop approving any new qualifications at level 3 and below for funding, for students aged 16 and over.

From 1 September 2020, we stopped considering new regulated qualifications for funding, unless they meet certain exemption criteria, including being an updated version of an existing quals or a new qual responding to economic need. We are doing this for qualifications at level 3 and below, for students aged 16 and over (including 19 plus). We call this a ‘moratorium’ on funding approval, and it will be in place initially for a period of three years. We will review how the moratorium is working (including the exemptions criteria) once a year.

We will continue to approve qualifications for funding in the 14 to 16 offer and the moratorium does not apply to T Levels.

You can find more information about this in the technical guidance for the moratorium.

Withdrawal of funding approval from qualifications

In the review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below in England, we stated our intention to withdraw funding approval from some qualifications.

You can find more information about this and the lists of qualifications with either confirmed or provisional removed funding approval on the GOV.UK website.

Performance tables

The Department for Education (DfE) publishes lists of technical and vocational qualifications that are approved for reporting in school performance tables.

If we have approved a qualification for funding in the 14 to 16 and/or the 16 to 19 offer, this does not mean that it will be included in the performance tables for Key Stage 4 or 16 to 18.

You can find more information about performance tables on the GOV.UK website. If you have any queries about performance tables, please send them to the DfE through its online form.

School census and QAN codes

You can find information about qualifications and the school census on the DfE school census webpages, or you can contact ESFA’s data collection helpdesk service using the service request form.

If you want to find the correct qualification accreditation number (QAN) for a qualification, you can search for this on the DfE QAN website.

Qualifications and courses in academies and maintained schools

Qualifications must be approved for funding for 14 to 19 before some providers (such as academies and maintained schools) can offer them to young people. In exceptional circumstances, individual academies may offer a course leading to a qualification without approval, under the terms of the model funding agreement. In these circumstances, the academy must email

Contact us

If you are a provider of education and training and you have about funding approval for qualifications, please use the ESFA enquiry form.

If you are an awarding organisation and have any queries on the qualification funding approval process, please email