List of Qualifications approved for funding

Gateway Qualifications Level 2 Certificate in Health and Social Care

Awarding organisation: Gateway Qualifications Limited
Qualification number: 60323991
Status: Approved
Qualification type: Vocationally-Related Qualification
Subcategory: Not Applicable
Sector subject area: Health and social care
Level: Level 2

Qualifications Offer Funding Approval Start Date Funding Approval End Date Notes
Age 16-19 01/10/2017 31/07/2025
Local Flexibilities ** 01/10/2017 31/07/2025

** local flexibilities funded by the ESFA.

Please note that providers must check the availability of the qualification with the awarding organisation.

For funding and further information, please see FALA and QWS

For further information about Performance Tables please see GOV.UK website